Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Shaking of Harlem in the Backdoor

Remember that All Out War event thing we had? Yea. My Team (Yellow) won so we had to make a celebratory video right? And what better way to do that then in the form of the most popular video trend sweeping the nation at this point. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Backdoor Harlem Shake.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Promo City

Cedar Valley church was having an epic serman series called All Out War: Rise of the Tribes. They asked me to make the video for it so...I FINI DID!

Also, we have a Snow Camp coming up and they also asked if I could help make the promo for that as well soo... guess what? I FINI DID THAT TO!!

Anyway, some news. After those two videos were done, my manager at Grand Slam in, Burnsville Minnesota, asked me to make a rules video for our trampolines! After getting all of that filming down, I dumped it on ym computer but I'm having a seriously hard time diting this beast. My new camera is causing my 4 year old program to go haywire and it will not le me use the program without crashing every three minutes! Hopefully, someday, maybe, I can save up for Adobe CS6 on a new computer. Yea. Like THAT will happen. God willing. Oh well, until then, I'll have to use other computers and junk until I have the money to pay for my own stuff. Meh.