Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow Day

Usually I like to be descriptive on the background of a video but, there really isn't in this one besides that I like snow days.

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Cray Button and Taken Harlems.

New video ideas. New. Ideas. I realized that I'm just going to post these on here now so that I can keep track of what I have all swimming around my head. The next video project for me is going to be a stop motion of me and my friend doing a rendition of the Family Force 5 song, "Cray Button". Well, it's not exactly stop motion but, it's still gonna be flippin sweet! 

This is the original video!

The next vid I'm gonna make  is one based off of this massive Harlem Shake Phase. Actually, I don't want to say to much about it but let's just say it involves rhyming with shake.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Shaking of Harlem in the Backdoor

Remember that All Out War event thing we had? Yea. My Team (Yellow) won so we had to make a celebratory video right? And what better way to do that then in the form of the most popular video trend sweeping the nation at this point. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Backdoor Harlem Shake.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Promo City

Cedar Valley church was having an epic serman series called All Out War: Rise of the Tribes. They asked me to make the video for it so...I FINI DID!

Also, we have a Snow Camp coming up and they also asked if I could help make the promo for that as well soo... guess what? I FINI DID THAT TO!!

Anyway, some news. After those two videos were done, my manager at Grand Slam in, Burnsville Minnesota, asked me to make a rules video for our trampolines! After getting all of that filming down, I dumped it on ym computer but I'm having a seriously hard time diting this beast. My new camera is causing my 4 year old program to go haywire and it will not le me use the program without crashing every three minutes! Hopefully, someday, maybe, I can save up for Adobe CS6 on a new computer. Yea. Like THAT will happen. God willing. Oh well, until then, I'll have to use other computers and junk until I have the money to pay for my own stuff. Meh. 


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Banks and Bandcamp

Well here's the thing. I made a video for a bank competition where I would make a video based on saving money and stuff like that. Needless to say, it isn't very good obviously. That is my fault because I did not take it very seriously when I was writing my script and when I was filming so it kind of cuts off at the end there. OH WELL! There's always next time. I'm still going to make more videos and stuff so expect those to keep coming.

If you want to check out the video, it's right here:

I used some music that I got from That is a super phat site! All dose unknown artists and what not post their stuff and give it away either for free or a small price. There's some qual stuff on there so I would suggest you visit it! The songs I used are in the description of the video on the YouTube page.

All righty that's all I have for today! Chow! Show! Pow. EXPLOSIONS!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Update Man. Update.

I posted this vid after a bit of not doing anything on my channel. BASICALLY, It's me just talking about what I'm gonna be doin in tha future.


Why no! I haven't been on in two years! Let me update my blog with everything new that I've made on my YouTube!

This was a title...that I really never used much. It's cool and I made it with After Effects and stuff but I'm not gonna use it much.

 This was a video idea that I was gonna use for some kind of thing but I ended up doing it a little differently for....

THIS! I made this for a contest at my church for a thing we have called Lifegroups where we just do life with a group of people and this was my video submission.

The behind the scenes of that last video.

Mat Johnson and I playing Super Smash Bros with a capture card my friend gave me! Its so silly.

Mat Johnson, Nick Fladager and I made a true to life story on what it's like for Minnesotans when there isn't much snow on the ground.

Me falling on a table. VIDEO EFFECTS RAIN FALLIN!! woo.

A test effect thing but also a promo for a church series called "This is Gonna Hurt"

Winter camp 2012. A small band of ninjas infiltrated a small hotel in Rochester  A group attending a winter camp was perturbed at the appearance. This is the evidence of what happened to them and in their adventures.

Based on a video called "Dubstep Hipster Cat", my friend Brett Hall and I are acting silly in our hotel.

I was feeling the urge to make a video that  involved me singing and I just happen to love the band named "Relient K" so I made a video with it. QUITE SO!

This was my short film that I made for the National Fine Arts Festival in 2012. I was invited to go to nationals but I didn't end up going because I'm a sillypuss.

THATS BASICALLY IT! Thanks to any of you that actually looks at my blog. You are friends of mine.


I have lots of ideas for stuff that I've got coming up but with speech and all that stuff, i wont have a lot of time to make anything. Hopefully ill get three or four sent out before this school year is done!