Monday, January 7, 2013


Why no! I haven't been on in two years! Let me update my blog with everything new that I've made on my YouTube!

This was a title...that I really never used much. It's cool and I made it with After Effects and stuff but I'm not gonna use it much.

 This was a video idea that I was gonna use for some kind of thing but I ended up doing it a little differently for....

THIS! I made this for a contest at my church for a thing we have called Lifegroups where we just do life with a group of people and this was my video submission.

The behind the scenes of that last video.

Mat Johnson and I playing Super Smash Bros with a capture card my friend gave me! Its so silly.

Mat Johnson, Nick Fladager and I made a true to life story on what it's like for Minnesotans when there isn't much snow on the ground.

Me falling on a table. VIDEO EFFECTS RAIN FALLIN!! woo.

A test effect thing but also a promo for a church series called "This is Gonna Hurt"

Winter camp 2012. A small band of ninjas infiltrated a small hotel in Rochester  A group attending a winter camp was perturbed at the appearance. This is the evidence of what happened to them and in their adventures.

Based on a video called "Dubstep Hipster Cat", my friend Brett Hall and I are acting silly in our hotel.

I was feeling the urge to make a video that  involved me singing and I just happen to love the band named "Relient K" so I made a video with it. QUITE SO!

This was my short film that I made for the National Fine Arts Festival in 2012. I was invited to go to nationals but I didn't end up going because I'm a sillypuss.

THATS BASICALLY IT! Thanks to any of you that actually looks at my blog. You are friends of mine.


I have lots of ideas for stuff that I've got coming up but with speech and all that stuff, i wont have a lot of time to make anything. Hopefully ill get three or four sent out before this school year is done!

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