Monday, November 29, 2010

Yay! I'm 14!

My Birthday was last week!


I got a phone!!!


And Call of Duty: Black Ops!


And a 12 month Gold Membership to Xbox Live!


And a Trippod!


And awesome Speakers with a Sub-Woofer!


And a bible!


And Toy Story 3!


And woolie Woolie Magnet Toy!
YAYYYYYY... Oh forget it!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cleaning Up

These are my videos that I never had the chance to put on my blog that my mom says i should soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo here they are!

This is a new web series that we'll be posting (hopefully) monthly. It's silly so you might as well watch it! I just made this one and I would make a seperate post for it, but I'll just put it in with all of these

Friends and I made this for an English project last year and we got an A on it. It had to be anything related to greek gods.

This is a skit we did in our church 2 years ago. I'm the guy in the grey, Our youth pastor is the tall dude.

Actually i would be fine with no one watching this at all. This is another video project we did for English last year that we got an A- on.

This is a failed full throttle video we worked on for... pretty much no reason!

So there you have it! a bunch of videos that never really made it's own blog post (besides "This is the Title". I have a bunch more old videos but.... I might put those up later.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Chippers the Hamster

By request from my mom, this video is going to become the most viewed viral video ever. Placed to her favorite song, enjoy!