Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Promo City

Cedar Valley church was having an epic serman series called All Out War: Rise of the Tribes. They asked me to make the video for it so...I FINI DID!

Also, we have a Snow Camp coming up and they also asked if I could help make the promo for that as well soo... guess what? I FINI DID THAT TO!!

Anyway, some news. After those two videos were done, my manager at Grand Slam in, Burnsville Minnesota, asked me to make a rules video for our trampolines! After getting all of that filming down, I dumped it on ym computer but I'm having a seriously hard time diting this beast. My new camera is causing my 4 year old program to go haywire and it will not le me use the program without crashing every three minutes! Hopefully, someday, maybe, I can save up for Adobe CS6 on a new computer. Yea. Like THAT will happen. God willing. Oh well, until then, I'll have to use other computers and junk until I have the money to pay for my own stuff. Meh. 



Becca Groves said...

I am at the library so I have enough bandwidth to watch your videos! :)

These are hysterical. It actually was tricky to watch them in the library because I was laughing too loudly...

SASQUATCHWalter said...

Well thanks there Aunty!